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Plein Air Painting

Plein Air Painting: Fall Landscapes in Colorado

September 26, 2020 @ 9:00 am

Experience the thrill of painting outdoors in Colorado! Create compositions using thumbnail value sketches & learn to see and paint color harmony with a limited palette. Classes will be on location around Colorado Springs, so reliable transportation is a must. Adults

Plein Air Painting

Plein Air Painting: Fall Landscapes in Colorado

September 26, 2020 @ 9:00 am

Event Series

Experience the thrill of painting outdoors in Colorado! Create compositions using thumbnail value sketches & learn to see and paint color harmony with a limited palette. Classes will be on location around Colorado Springs, so reliable transportation is a must. Adults

Plein Air Painting

Plein Air Painting: Fall Landscapes in Colorado

September 26, 2020 @ 9:00 am

Event Series

Experience the thrill of painting outdoors in Colorado! Create compositions using thumbnail value sketches & learn to see and paint color harmony with a limited palette. Classes will be on location around Colorado Springs, so reliable transportation is a must. Adults

Plein Air Painting

Plein Air Painting: Fall Landscapes in Colorado

September 26, 2020 @ 9:00 am

Event Series

Experience the thrill of painting outdoors in Colorado! Create compositions using thumbnail value sketches & learn to see and paint color harmony with a limited palette. Classes will be on location around Colorado Springs, so reliable transportation is a must. Adults