Born in Tokyo, Japan but residing in the United States since 1983, Yoshitomo Saito finds inspiration in the minutia of the natural world, drawing out details of the environment surrounding us and elements of everyday experiences that most would miss or take for granted. In 2006, Saito moved to the Rocky Mountain region in search of a new and affordable live/work situation to pursue the lifestyle of a fully engaged independent artist. Utilizing the Italian lost-wax process of bronze casting at his Ironton Studios foundry in the RiNo Art District of Denver, the artist freezes delicate, organic objects in time and assembles them into immersive, meditative, thoughtful and sometimes humorous installations.
Pop-Up Yoga Classes
Tuesdays, March 20 & April 17 | 6-7:15 p.m.
Sundays, March 25, April 8 & 29 | 9:30-10:45 a.m.
We are excited to offer a series of pop-up yoga classes, led by Jessica Patterson of Root Studio, amidst this breathtaking exhibition! Enjoy live music by cellist Lisa Schoenstein (select classes). Please bring your yoga mat and any props you might want to have on hand. Donation-based; included with museum admission. Space is limited; RSVP required.
RSVP by phone: (719) 477-4310; leave your name, phone number, and the date and time of the class you’re registering for.