Action Words: By the Way, Meet Vera Stark
virtual discussion
The Actions Words Series is a FAC Connect program devoted to conversation and literary arts that respond to social issues and collective conversation. Engagements range from spoken word poetry performances, to play readings, panel discussions and more.
Dive deeper into By the Way, Meet Vera Stark with our next action words virtual discussion. Join Colorado College’s Director and Associate Professor of Feminist & Gender Studies Dr. Heidi R. Lewis in a discussion with students of her Feminist Theory course on how various feminist theoretical frameworks might influence interpretations of the show.
Watch a recording of the March 9 virtual discussion below.
FREE — Donations accepted and appreciated
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Dr. Heidi R. Lewis bio

Heidi R. Lewis is Director and Associate Professor of Feminist & Gender Studies and inaugural Coordinator of Early Career Faculty Development Programs.
She recently published her first manuscript, In Audre’s Footsteps: Transnational Kitchen Table Talk (Edition Assemblage, 2021), co-edited with Dana Asbury and Jazlyn Andrews (Feminist & Gender Studies ’17), as the 7th edition of Ingeborg Bachmann Prize-winner Sharon Dodua Otoo’s Witnessed Series, an English-language book series featuring Black writers who have lived in Germany. In Audre’s Footsteps honors Black radical traditions set forth by Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Angela Y. Davis, and Audre Lorde, all who were intellectually influenced by their experiences in Berlin. Primarily relying on Black and Transnational Feminist frameworks, In Audre’s Footsteps amplifies the resistive and generative experiences of Black and women of color educators, artists, activists, and scholars who consider themselves friends in the struggle. While being particularly attentive to racism, heterosexism, colonialism, and other forms of oppression, In Audre’s Footsteps explores how these women resist and revise oppressive narratives as they develop their subjectivities.