Ladder to the Moon
A concert of Georgia O’Keeffe-inspired music by the FluteDaddy Quintet
Music inspired by the art of
Georgia O’Keeffe
Thursday, July 9, 2015
In our second-floor permanent collection galleries
Concert: 7-8:30p
Wine and beer available for purchase prior to, and immediately following, the concert in the Glass Corridor
Non-Member $25/FAC Member $20
Tickets include
Concert, multi-media presentation, and private viewing of Eloquent Objects exhibition following the concert (until 9:30p)
Compositions, arrangements and improvisation inspired by the art of Georgia O’Keeffe. Media presentation – synchronized projected “slides” of colors and shapes
The Ladder To The Moon project, named after an O’Keeffe painting, was created by The Art Of Jazz, a group whose mission is to support and promote art by engaging and inspiring people.
Georgia O’Keeffe, Dark Iris No. 1
1927, Oil on Canvas, Anonymous gift, FA1954.4
© Georgia O’Keeffe Museum