Stephen Batura has become well-known as a Colorado artist whose subject matter has remained close to home. His exquisite paintings are based upon the historical images of little-known Denver photographer Charles Lillybridge. His limited-palette paintings reflect the black-and-white source photographs, yet Batura alters the original images in order to economize the compositions and to reflect his painterly hand.

Monthly FAC Members Tour
Saturday, Aug. 6 at 12 p.m., 2016
Meet artist Stephen Batura and tour his exhibition, A Reservoir of Occurrences. Learn about his paintings, which are based on historical Denver photographs, as he leads the group through the galleries. Also on this month’s tour, learn more about artist Marc Chagall, whose series Le Cirque is currently on display in the exhibition Under the Big Top. No RSVP needed, check in at the front desk.
All members of the Fine Arts Center are welcome to join us for our Monthly Members Tour, held on the 1st Saturday of each month at 12 noon. Each tour (lasting approximately 1 hour) will feature a different topic, so feel free to come back often and continue learning about the FAC.
Not a member? Join today!