Anyone Can Whistle tells the story of a corrupt mayoress who fakes a miracle to revitalize her bankrupt town and the ill-fated romance between the rational nurse, out to expose the fraud, and the easygoing doctor who is determined to enjoy the chaos that it brings. In the end, the show delivers a poignant message about the importance of the individual in a conformist society — but not before aiming its still-relevant barbs at government, religion, science, and anything else that stands in its way!
With its circus-like atmosphere, Anyone Can Whistle features plenty of memorable, lovably cartoonish roles of all sizes. The dazzling, melodic Broadway-style score overflows with the youthful energy of experimentation, consisting of one showstopper after another, including two extensive ballets that provide opportunities for some inspired choreography.
Cast + Creative
Riley Burton
Veranika Coates
Ella Dill
Lena Dill
Abby Ditlow
Weller Dorff
Sam Elliott
Cole Freyler
Christabelle Higley
Ella Illsley
Jonah Illsley
Evelyn Kelley
Chloe Lee
Josephine Ann Matchette
Addison Miller
Keegan Owen
Zeke Redfern
Mirix Robertson-Leich
Sylvie Robinson
Lacey Rubenstein
Nathan Rytting
Abram Salazar
Maddie Schoen
Anna Shelton
Ilana Sherwood
Carter Searcy
Paige Seuffert
Carly Simpson
Garrett Sullivan
Willow Tachna
Logan Walker
Olivia Willers
Director: Kristen Samu
Choreographer: Victor Ayers
Music Director: Stephanie McGuffin
Scenic Designer: Chris Sheley
Lighting Designer: Holly Rawls
Costume Designer: Sammy Gleason
Stage Manager: Timothy Muldrew
Assistant Stage Manager: Morgan Gatson
Show Dates
Thursday, July 28 | 7 p.m. – OPENING NIGHT
Friday, July 29 | 7 p.m.
Saturday, July 30 | 7 p.m.
Sunday, July 31 | 2 p.m.
*Subscription options do not apply for this production
$10 |
Additional Info
The Youth Repertory Theatre program is the only professional training program for student actors and design technicians in the Pikes Peak region. More